Korean Kickboxing Heritage

As well as teaching the art of Korean Kickboxing, it is also important to stay true to the origins of our martial art. Therefore we train with the FIVE TENETS of Korean Kickboxing in mind. These are fundamentally life skills which we try to impart on all our students whether they are in the confines of the club or out in everyday life.


  • Courtesy - Being polite and respectful to ones' instructors, seniors and fellow students.
  • Integrity - Being able to do the right thing, and be able to define right from wrong.
  • Self Control - Being able to master your own impulses and emotions.
  • Perseverance - Never giving up, striving to achieve your goal.
  • Indomitable Spirit - Never wanting to give up, to show courage.

As part of classes and if you wish to grade, students must have an understanding of the basic Korean terminology. 

The Basic Korean Terminology has been put together in the documents below for your convenience.


Basic Korean Terminology
Sheet containing all the basic terms you need to learn in Korean.
Korean Terminology (1).pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [407.8 KB]
Advanced Korean Terminology
Advanced Korean Terminology.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [144.1 KB]